HP48 Sources Page.

Some utilities for creating and searching through strings.

Create a string.

Returns a string with the given size.
Size: 54.5 Checksum: # F2F7h
 CK1NoBlame	(need one argument)
 CKREAL		(must be a real)
 COERCE		(convert it to a bint)
	GOSBVL	=POP#		pop the number into A[A]
	GOSBVL	=SAVPTR		save internal pointers
	C=A	A
	RSTK=C			save number here a second
	GOSBVL	=MAKE$		create a string with size in C[A], R0[A] -> string prolog
	C=RSTK			recall the number
	C=C-1	A		prepare for loop
	GOC	exit		exit if null string
	LA(5)	32		ascii for a space, put whatever character you want here
loop	DAT0=A	2		write the character
	D0=D0+	2		advance pointer
	C=C-1	A		decrement counter
	GONC	loop		loop until carry set
exit	GOSBVL	=GETPTR		restore pointers
	A=R0.F	A		prepare to push the string
	GOVLNG	=PUSHA		push it to the stack and exit

Searching a string for a character.

Given a string and an ascii number it returns the number of occurrences.
Size: 83.5 Checksum: # 3455h
 0LASTOWDOB!	(clear last command)
 CK2NOLASTWD	(need two arguments)
 CK&DISPATCH1	(2: string 1: real)
 FORTYNINE	(# 31h)
   COERCE	(convert the real to a bint)
   #>CHR	(convert into a character)
	GOSBVL	=SAVPTR		save pointers
	CD1EX			copy D1 to C[A]
	A=C	A		save D1 in A[A]
	C=DAT1	A		read address of character
	D1=C			point D1 to prolog of character
	D1=D1+	5		advance to ascii-value of character
	C=DAT1	B		read character into C[A]
	D=C	B		store in D[B]
	C=A	A		recall D1
	D1=C			restore D1
	D1=D1+	5		advance to string on level 2
	C=DAT1	A		read address of string into C[A]
	D1=C			point D1 to string prolog
	D1=D1+	5		skip prolog
	A=DAT1	A		read length of string
	A=A-CON	A,5		subtract to get character count (size includes itself)
	ASRB.F	A		divide by two
	D1=D1+	5		skip length
	B=0	A		initialize counter to zero
loop	A=A-1	A		done?
	GOC	done		yes, exit
	C=DAT1	B		read character from string
	D1=D1+	2		advance pointer
	?C#D	B		no match?
	GOYES	loop		then loop
	B=B+1	A		else increment counter
	GOTO	loop		then loop
done	A=B	A		copy counter to A[A]
	GOVLNG	=PUSH#ALOOP	push it and continue rpl

   UNROT2DROP	(drop unwanted arguments)
   UNCOERCE	(convert bint to float)