HP48 Sources Page.

This example will let you know how you can change the prolog of an object and in this case I will use the MHpar that is created when you play MINEHUNT on the HP48 (It is in ROM on the G(X) but may also be found on the Equation Card by HP). It contains some information on the current game, such as the minefield, positions, etc. It is actually a list containing these things as you will soon notice.
This is the format HP used when storing in Library Data objects:
Prolog:	5 nibbles
Size:	5 nibbles
ID:	5 nibbles
data...	to the end

Recalling MHpar

Size: 74.5 Checksum: # C912h
 0LASTOWDOB!	(clear last command)
 CK0NOLASTWD	(need no arguments)
 ID MHpar
 @		(recall MHpar)
 NOT?SEMI	(do nothing if it doesn't exist)
 TOTEMPOB	(copy to tempob area, otherwise
		we would also change the variables contents)
	C=DAT1	A	read the address of the Library Data
	CD1EX		point D1 to the prolog
	RSTK=C		save D1 here
	A=DAT1	A	read the prolog into A[A]
	LC(5)	=DOEXT0	load C[A] with the prolog of a Library Data
	?C#A	A	are they equal?
	GOYES	EXIT	if not, then exit
	D1=D1+	10	point D1 to the library ID
	A=DAT1	A	read it
	LC(5)	#E7
	?C#A	A	are they equal?
	GOYES	EXIT	if not, then exit
	D1=D1-	5	point D1 back to the length of the object
	LC(5)	=DOBINT	change this to the prolog of a bint
	DAT1=C	A	write it out, changing the ID to a bint
	D1=D1-	5	point D1 back to the prolog
	LC(5)	=DOLIST	change it to a list
	DAT1=C	A	write it
EXIT	C=RSTK		restore D1
	D1=C		|
	A=DAT0	A	exit back to rpl
	D0=D0+	5