
Take a look at the sorted entries to find most of the entries you would ever need. I keep it printed and refer to it all the time.

There are some things you will have to know in order to make use of this document. Lets take a look at an example:

=PUSH#		EQU #03F5D *	Stack: ( --> # )
* Entry:	R0[A]=num P=0 HEX RPLRAM
* Exit:		P=0 HEX RPLCPU A[A]=->bintob
* Alters:	A[15-5] B[15-5] C D[15-5] ST0 ST10
* Stack:	3
The name of the entry is =PUSH#, this is what you would type in your program. You would probably call it with GOSBVL. An entry that restarts rpl should be called with GOVLNG.
The address is #03F5D. You shouldn't have to worry about this.
The stack diagram ( --> # ) shows what happens on the stack. Here the symbol # is used to indicate that a bint is pushed on the stack.
On entry, that is when you call the subroutine, a few conditions must be met. R0[A] contains the number, P must be 0, the cpu must be in HEXMODE, and the pointers must have been saved (RPLRAM=saved, RPLCPU=restored).
On exit, when the program continues after the subroutine, P is 0, cpu is in HEXMODE, the pointers are restored, A[A] contains the address to the pushed bint.
When this subroutine is executed, it may alter a few registers. In this case the nibbles 15-5 in A, B, and D as well as the entire C are altered. This means you shouldn't have important data in these places as they will be lost. Status flags 0 and 10 and three stack levels on the return stack are also used.